Sal Surra Has A Personal Blog

angelgame3Here I am.  I’m finally opening my personal blog and wanted to start by saying hello, and welcome.  I’ve been running blogs for a couple of years now, and have been talking about starting my own for awhile, but just never found enough time for it.  However, I’m finding more and more that it’s important to keep a personal blog, journal, or whatever form of written thoughts a person wants to keep, and share it with the world.

Why?  There a lot of a reasons for it, but for me it’s a matter of getting out thoughts that I keep inside of my head, or things that I want to share, or ideas that I have, or items that can helpful.  In today’s world it’s getting less and less personal and getting to be more interpersonal.  The reason is that we are building ourselves virtually everyday on places like Facebook and Myspace, but while doing so we are looking at ourselves and taking more time to think about the things that make us tick.

I personally have been enjoying the new ways to blog, and as you’ll see from my profile, I’m very happy to use many of the social networks today.  You will find me on Twitter, Digg, Facebook, Myspace, Friendfeed, and many others.  I’m a big fan of many of these platforms and can see how they will be very useful and practical going into the future.  It may be a little while before it’s accepted widely, but that day will come so it’s good to be in it now.

A little about me, well I’m a webmaster, SEO analyst, graphic designer, web designer, fantasy sports champion, husband, father, brother, uncle, son, and a good person.  I may have some thoughts from time to time to that may be of use to people that share of the things that I’m going through.  I enjoy sharing tips, tricks, and other things that I find interesting. Please feel free to follow me and you might find somethings that you interest you as well.


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